PhD Research

Adaptation in nature

For my PhD, I am exploring patterns and predictability of adaptation in threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Using a large-scale field experiment in Alaska, I am tracking how these populations respond following colonization of  a new environment across multiple levels: from population dynamics, to phenotypic changes, to the underlying genetics.

The Alaska Stickleback Project

In 2019, we colonized nine fishless lakes in the Kenai Peninsula of Alaska (shown in blue) with stickleback from a pool of nearby populations (shown in yellow). These lakes were treated with Rotenone in 2018 to get rid of invasive northern pike which had ravaged the local fish populations. In collaboration with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, we introduced threespine stickleback into these lakes, a native species of ecological importance. These introductions provide the perfect opportunity to watch the process of adaptation in real-time. Check out the project website for more detail!

What determines population success?

On the level of population dynamics, I am exploring the factors that determine the success of a source population once exposed to a new environment. Primarily, I will be testing if increased similarity between your old and new environment makes you more likely to survive and thrive, or if some source populations are inherently more successful than others, regardless of environment. Read more... 

Who will mate with who?

Also on the population level, I am taking this opportunity to explore the potential for progress towards ecological speciation between these two ecotypes and among these divergent populations.  I'll be doing this by looking at patterns of mating and admixture when multiple populations are introduced to the same lake. Are two fish of the same source population or ecotype more likely to mate with eachother than with someone of a different population/ecotype? Read more...

How will these populations adapt?

On the phenotypic level, I am tracking how the morphology of fish within these populations is changing over time, with these phenotypic changes representing both plasticity and evolutionary change. I will explore how parallel these changes are among populations and if the environment of the lake can predict the direction and magnitude of phenotypic response.

What about on the genetic level?

To begin to disentangle plasticity from adaptive evolution, I am determining the genetic basis of the observed morphological variation and changes. I will explore the genes that are associated with morphology and determine if the same genes are always associated with the same morphological changes, which will shed light on the complex genetic basis of adaptation.

A note on Alaska

Our field sites in Yaghanen (the Kenai Peninsula) and other parts of Alaska are located on the traditional and current lands of the Kahtnuht’ana and other Dena’ina Peoples, as well as the land of state parks, conservation areas, and private landowners. We recognize the stewards of the land who came before us and are grateful for the continued support of all those who allow us to work there.

Key Collaborators

My PhD would not be possible without the support of the following key collaborators, though check out the project website for the complete list of folks involved.

Rowan Barrett

Andrew Hendry

Katie Peichel

Dan Bolnick

Alison Derry

Graham Bell