Caitlyn Synyshyn, Lucas Eckert, Adrienne McLean, Megan Cyr, Sigal Balshine. (2023). Subtle fisheries gear model differences substantially influence catch rate of an invasive fish. Fisheries Research. PDF
Currently in review:
Lucas Eckert, Isaac Eckert, Olivia Rahn, Cameron So, Rowan Barrett. (in review). Pressing applications of genetic data from herbarium collections.
Kaitlyn Dawson, Katherine Maunder, Lucas Eckert, Marlene Kraml, Chloe Dean-Moore, Christopher Eckert. (in review). Viral-induced colour change reveals that Turnip Mosaic Virus infection prevalence increases with urbanization in the invasive mustart Hersperis matronalis.
Alexis Heckley, Rowan Barrett, Alison Bell, Daniel Bolnick, Francis Dinh, Lucas Eckert, Grant Haines, Catherine Peichel, Andrew Hendry, Kiyoko Gotanda. (in review). Testing the determinants of stickleback dispersal in introductions: insights from a whole-lake conservation translocation.
Isaac Eckert, Lucas Eckert, Cameron So, Olivia Rahn, Laura Pollock. (in review). Harnessing herbarium collections to monitor genetic change in Earth's vascular plants.
Daniel Bolnick, Rowan Barrett, Emma Choi, Lucas Eckert, Andrew Hendry, Emily Kerns, Åsa Lind, Kathryn Milligan-McClellan, Catherine Peichel, Kristofer Sasser, Alice Thornton, Cole Wolf, Natalie Steinel, Jesse Weber. (in review). Destabilized host-parasite dynamics in newly founded populations. Preprint
Katherine Maunder, Kaitlyn Dawson, Lauryn Joslin, Lucas Eckert, Marlene Kraml, Chloe Dean-Moore, Christopher Eckert. (in review). Random and non-random variation in flower colour along an urban-rural gradient in the introduced mustard Hesperis matronalis.
Kevin Neumann, Lucas Eckert, Damaris Miranda, Andrew Kemp, Alison Bell. (in review). Collective behaviour evolves independently of benthic-limnetic divergence in stickleback.
Lucas Eckert, Jessica Miller, John Fitzpatrick, Sigal Balshine, Ben Bolker. (in review). Parental care drives the evolution of reproductive accessory glands in ray-finned fishes.